Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back To School!

Today is the day I have been dreading all Summer long! I am one of those crazy parents that actually love having their kids at home! We had such a fun and relaxing Summer and I really hate to see it end.
This is the first year that Alyza and Garrett will be attending different schools. Will be nice for both of them to not be in the other's shadow. Gman plans on ruling the school and Alyza is hoping to not get lost or forget her locker combination.
I am dreading the homework, the papers to be signed, the forced routine, enforcing bedtime rules and the laundry that I must stay on top of so that every outfit is washed and ready for the little diva.
It was a great start this morning. Both up and ready without a fight or drama. Made Alyza her favorite breakfast and baked Garrett his favorite brownies for after school.
We plan on diving in the pool and discussing our days while floating on our rafts......holding on to one last summer ritual before the leaves start to turn on us.

Seamus is missing his kids. I think our dog loved having the kids home more than me.

He is trying to cope